Stories / Seedz



Seedz, a digital marketing app available on the App Store and Google Play Store, provides exclusive offers and promotions from local businesses. Seedz was created and developed by father and daughter team, Steve and Jessika Kiernan. “Four years ago, a friend of mine was battling cancer and she asked if there was a way to send her kids messages in the future. I created an application to do just this but soon realized the app needed to be monetized to offer this feature to the users without cost,” shares Steve. However, he soon learned that the logistics behind getting a social media application to market alongside the storage costs would bankrupt the company. Hence the shift to the business-to-consumer use. “That’s when we started developing Seedz.”

Seedz provides two types of information on the map. Business pins offer the user information about the business, including links to all social media channels, driving directions, and direct contact info for their phone and email. The second type of data are “Seedz,” offers which businesses plant on the map. Using the free application and the mobile device’s GPS, users have to go to the physical location to collect the offer. “Think Pokémon Go, but instead of battling and training virtual creatures, you are collecting a half-price lunch deal from your favorite restaurant,” he explains. Users also earn Seedz points for each seed they collect and additional points for redeeming the offer. Each month the top users on the leaderboard win a prize.

Event marketing is the most lucrative for planting Seedz. “To advertise your business inside an arena is pricey, and it’s usually only your business name, no real live content. With Seedz, a business can advertise, offer promotions, link their website and even sell their merchandise, all within the app. Seedz - Plant local, Grow local!” They have seen a lot of interest in the application because of its versatility. There are uses in sports, concerts, real estate, automotive and other advertising spaces. “For example, if a sports team attendance is down, they can use it to get people in the seats by dropping free tickets around town.”

Jessika is currently launching Seedz in Sarnia. “The app is gaining traction with a lot of businesses in Sarnia and we are here to support local business owners as they learn how to use the app and develop their content. Each business can customize their content based on their needs,” she explains. “Seedz is a great place for visitors to Sarnia to find parks, places to eat or events around town. We have partnered with local hotels as well.”

Businesses pay $1,000 a year to be on the Seedz map and $5 a day for each seed (coupon location) they plant. Basic analytics are provided to the business owner to allow assessment of their advertising campaigns. “It will take awhile for the adoption of the application, but to date we are seeing many businesses with over 300 visits each month using the app,” says Steve.