Stories / Investors Group - Tara Webster

Investors Group - Tara Webster

Tara Webster is about to celebrate ten years with Investors Group. She was originally recruited as she was completing her MBA at McMaster University. "What drew me to Investors Group was the comprehensive planning they offered, not just investments. I'm really attracted to looking at the whole picture. There are a lot different types of investments but there are also many different ways to plan," she explains.

When she started with Investors Group, Webster brought her credentials as well as her experience. At the same time as she was completing her MBA, she was also working on her insurance and securities licenses, as well as her CFP certification. She had previously completed an undergraduate degree in business and engineering. "I worked at the refineries in the summer. I met lots of great people, and engineering is all about problem solving. When someone is retiring and they're looking at taking a package, I love helping them figure out which option is the best for them. Engineering gave me those problem-solving skills."

When she first joined Investors Group, the office was located near the Tim Horton's on Exmouth, before moving to Front Street. "During the first two years, I became a division director and I was managing seven people. When I was pregnant, I decided that I didn't want to be working with my clients and also managing people; it was too much. Fred Pentz offered me space in his office at 1317 Exmouth Street. He had worked for Investors Group for more than twenty years. I jumped at the opportunity and I've been working out of Fred's office for five years."

Webster explains that she spent the first years working hard to build her own client list. "I'm not sure what anyone else's secret is, but for me it was five years of very hard work. I did presentations all the time; I went to networking events; I held lunch and learns. I wasn't shy. I could speak in front of absolutely everybody. Now I have a good network. Most of my business has come from the plants and the hospital, both of which have generated many referrals."

As part of her financial planning offering, Webster also offers tax planning. "I do taxes for my clients as well, though nothing too complicated. There are a lot of different planning techniques that are completely dependent on taxation, on estate planning, and on your end goals. Keith Hunt, who joined our team in 2014, has a very strong tax background as well. We work very well together and we all bring a lot to the table." Webster's career with Investors Group has allowed her to balance work and home life while still using her skills in a fun and challenging way. "I love looking at investments. I can go home at the end of the day knowing I have a diversified portfolio that I am going to be happy with because I am looking at the complete picture. That's my add value to my clients."