Stories / The Woods Hair Salon

The Woods Hair Salon

The Woods Hair Salon

When stylist Tyler Smith and his wife Ashley decided to open their salon, The Woods, they wanted a more natural, modern rustic environment. When choosing a name, they wanted something that would represent that. Ashley had suggested the name The Woods. This name was inspired by an album of the same name by the band NeedToBreathe that was played at their wedding. They both agreed that it was perfect, connecting the atmosphere with their creative vision and goals for the salon.

As they researched possible locations, an opportunity was brought to them to open in the same building as Adora Spa’s new location at 1410 London Rd. They both felt this was a great opportunity. They liked the existing skylight and designed the remaining space around it. They created a colour lounge that features a fireplace and TV where their clients can relax in privacy with a cup of coffee as their colour processes. “I love that we could design this space exactly the way that we wanted to,” Tyler says. “We love coming in here every day, and I gain inspiration from the design.”

Tyler brings fourteen years of experience to the business. He had worked in salons in Sarnia and Waterloo before venturing out on his own. “I learned a lot about the industry from those salon owners,” he explains. “I definitely polished my craft while working for them.” Continuing his education has always been very important. While living in Waterloo, Tyler took advantage of his proximity to Toronto and regularly attended seminars on cutting and colouring. Ashley has enjoyed her career change and business ownership. She has always been interested in hair and looks forward to learning and working beside her husband. Alongside Tyler and Ashley, The Woods features five other staff that offer a host of services, including cuts, colouring, and blow outs. “The staff shares the same passion and values as we do. We have a team that is constantly striving to stay educated with the most up-to-date fashion styles and trends,” Tyler explains. “It’s fun to bring new ideas to people.”

The Woods team are equally passionate about the community. Before the salon had officially opened, they were participating in local events such as The Modern Women’s Show. Since then they have offered their talents to local charity events, including Sarnia’s Dancing with the Stars fundraiser for the Alzheimer's Society, and are proud sponsors of the South Western International Film Festival and The Sarnia Modern Woman’s Show. They are excited about the years to come and the new opportunities and events they have planned.

Ultimately, Tyler and Ashley want to be good leaders for their team, while giving the salon’s clients a great experience. “It's not just about the haircut or the colour,” Ashley explains. “It's about the whole experience. Being able to make so many people feel good is wonderful. We’ve created a very positive atmosphere for our staff and our clients and are so happy we get to share it with each other.”